vineri, februarie 22, 2008

3 Sud Est - Vorbe care dor [Download]

De ceva vreme foarte multi cauta pe google 3 sud est - vorbe care dor si ajung aici cu speranta ca o pot descarca. Ei bine....

Download here!

Vodafone si 666 - o retea satanica cu virgula

Ce fac oamenii cand fac ceva, dar nu fac pentru ca nu au ce face, ci pentru a face oamenii sa creada ca ei fac ce pe oameni ii intereseaza:

De luni inchid abonamentul la Vodafone ( jk )

Sursa: aici!

Vodafone Group is a mobile network operator headquartered in Newbury, Berkshire, England, UK. It is the largest mobile telecommunications network company in the world by turnover and has a market value of about £100 billion (December 2007). Vodafone currently has equity interests in 25 countries and Partner Networks (networks in which it has no equity stake) in a further 39 countries. The name Vodafone comes from Voice data fone, chosen by the company to "reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones."

f you haven't noticed yet, Vodafone is feeding us a hidden set of numbers, the number of the beast - 666.
NOTE: The last number is usually inverted to hide the fact that it is in fact a 6 - also known as: "hidden in plain sight".

This is a Satanic trick, known throughout the ages, a good example of this is the inverted cross.

Vodafone Logo:

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man (created 6th. day); and its number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six (man, man, man).

Ecclesiastes 10:11 Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment; and a babbler is no better.

  • Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man (created 6th. day); and its number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six (man, man, man).

  • Generally themed with the number 3 (2x3=6)
  • 3 phones lined up with the number 6 in the middle.
  • 3 flowers at the top of the first phone
  • 3 visible whales in the background
  • The phone number has 999 999 in the end (which is inverted 666 666)

  • The first number is the large red 6
  • The second is within the large 6
  • The third 6 is after the text 'hello'
  • Beneath the yellow line it reads: "Welcome to our New World"


Chris Gent, CEO of Vodafone, and a number of high-ranking executives in Vodafone and Mannesmann (the German company bought out by Voadfone in November 1999) were investigated by the German authorities for fraud in 2001